Moth Eradication
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Protect Your Priceless Rugs from Destructive Moths with Expert Eradication Services
Household moths are not just an annoying pest—they can be a threat to your costly, one-of-a-kind handmade rugs. Safeguarding your rugs from moth damage should be a top priority, and Rug Resources is here to help. With our specialized equipment and expertise, we can efficiently eliminate moths and protect your priceless possessions.
About Our Moth Eradication
Early detection of moths is crucial to minimize damage. The sooner these pests are identified, the quicker they can be eradicated before they wreak havoc on your rugs. Moths go through four life cycles in a year and range in size from 14 to 18mm. If you notice any cocoons in your home, chances are they are moths. They primarily feed on rugs during their larval phase, damaging the fibers as they prepare for pupation. Watch out for unusual patches along the corners or edges of your rugs, as these may indicate carpet moth activity.
Benefits of Professional Moth Eradication Services
When it comes to expensive handmade rugs, you likely don't have the time or inclination to handle moth eradication yourself. Even if you attempt DIY methods like washing or vacuuming, these approaches are unlikely to completely eliminate the pests and may only provide temporary relief. Professional intervention is necessary to ensure thorough eradication.Moths have shortened life cycles and reproduce rapidly, making standard cleaning methods ineffective. Moth eggs can survive washing machines and vacuuming, leading to re-infestation. Moreover, moths may also be present in other areas of your home. To fully resolve the problem, it's essential to address moth infestations throughout your residence.
One of our main services is carpet steaming, an expert-recommended method for moth elimination. The process is entirely non-toxic. Our experienced contractors apply high-temperature steam, reaching up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, to your rugs for up to thirty minutes. This hot steam effectively eliminates moths and their eggs without causing any damage or altering the texture of your rugs.
Why Choose Rug Resources' Moth Eradication Services?
In addition to carpet steaming, we offer a combination of vinegar and baking soda treatment to tackle moths and remove stains they may have caused. Vinegar and baking soda possess natural antibacterial properties, effectively killing unwanted organisms and eliminating unpleasant odors.
Before applying any solution to your rugs, we thoroughly assess and determine the best treatment approach. We understand that rugs are made from various materials, and we take utmost care to avoid any damage. However, it's essential to address moth infestations in other areas of your residence to fully resolve the problem once and for all.
Protect Your Rugs From Further Damage
Call (949) 673-1693
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